Thought of the Day:

"Never forget these two fundamental truths: 1) To those that would challenge that "The Founding Fathers" didn't envision assault rifles being taken into schools, the Founding Fathers did fully envision times in which our liberties would be challenged and enshrined RIGHTS in the Constitution and not contexts. And 2) There is only one amendment protecting all others, and that is the 2nd Amendment. We will live as patriots, or die as slaves. The choice is ours."

Sunday, February 24, 2013

An Open Letter To All Members Of The Armed Forces And Law Enforcement

We are living in a very scary time right now. The vast majority of Americans truly appreciate how perilous the jobs of you men and women who serve in this capacity are, and the sacrifices you make on our behalf. You deserve much more credit and support than you get from the government. They are all too willing to use your services on behalf of our country and then turn a blind eye to problems physical or mental that may arise from your service on our behalf.

Our forefathers fought an oppressive government for the right to live as free men and built those rights into the Constitution and the bill of rights we have been governed by ever since. Throughout our history our leaders have mostly been honorable men who tried to govern with wisdom and compassion. However there have always been some in politics who have been self servant with only their best interests at heart and there will always be some of those people who believe they are above the law and everyone else because of the positions they have been elected to. No one is above the law, not even the President of the United States, whoever that might be at the time!

Recent events here in America, tragic and senseless as they are have been the latest catalyst for some of those people in high positions in the government to try and take away the rights guaranteed to us by the governing laws our forefathers established. Laws established to always allow us to live as a free people and make it impossible for a corrupted government or foreign power to ever take our rights away from us as long as we are able to stand up to their attempted abuses of power.

Currently it is the second amendment of the Constitution under attack. The right to keep and bear arms. This governing law is essential in allowing us to remain a free society and our forefathers had the wisdom and insight to include it in our main governing document because they foresaw the possibility of a corrupt government trying to oppress the American people somewhere in the future just as the King of England had done to them. If the government is allowed to take this right away from the American people, then they will have the power to abolish ALL of the rest of the rights guaranteed to us by our forefathers as a free people.

The reason I am writing this letter addressed to all of you who serve us in this capacity and protect us on a daily basis is that one of these days a corrupt politician or group of politicians may call upon you to take up arms against us the American public. When you joined the military service or law enforcement you swore an oath to uphold the constitution we are governed by. Anyone who might order you to take up arms against your fellow Americans would be ordering you to violate the oath you swore to because they would be asking you to do so so that they could abolish the laws we are currently governed by and establish an Autocratic government in it's place where the only rights Americans have is what they decide people can have (which may very likely be none at all). There are millions of law abiding patriotic people in this country who are willing to try and protect those rights at all costs, but for a corrupted government to try and implement such a plan would require them to order people in the standing military to carry out those orders. Orders which would quite possibly require the members of the military to kill thousands upon thousands (possibly millions) of men, women and children who are your fellow citizens and very possibly your fathers, mothers, brothers and sisters, husbands, wives and children. Those not killed in a conflict like this would surely be forced to live under an oppressive regime with no rights at all should the government prevail.

You are our first best defense against this ever happening. You are the ones who are in a position because of your status to keep something like this from ever happening.

We know that to disobey orders from your superiors could carry a heavy penalty but there is precedent for the argument of doing so. In the prosecution summary by the prosecutors in the court martial of Lt. William Calley for the massacre of villagers of My Lai in the Viet Nam conflict under orders from his superior, they said that a soldier has to use common sense and disregard unjust orders. They have a duty to NOT blindly follow orders they know to be wrong morally. Soldiers cannot be mindless robots following orders just because some misguided military commander or politician tells them to if they know them to be morally unjust.

If the situation I have described ever comes to pass then all of you will have to make a decision as to whether what you are being ordered to do is right or wrong. If you feel it is wrong then you have a duty to disregard those orders. We truly hope that this scenario never happens but if it should you will be the ones who have the most power to stop it from happening. As stated previously, there are millions of loyal Americans willing to stand up to preserve freedom in this country. We would much much rather stand beside you in a fight to preserve freedom in this country than against you.  A lot of good people would die on both sides and America would become vulnerable to attack from outside forces.

America is not perfect but it is still the best form of government in the world and has stood tall for 250 years. We would like to see it continue for another 250 years.

May God bless and watch over all of you where ever you may be.

The American People

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