I'm a father. The morning of the Sandy Hook shooting, I watched my daughter perform at her Christmas concert. My daughter is 6 years old, the same age as many of the Sandy Hook victims. At the same time that my little girl was singing her praise at the birth of Jesus, a madman slaughtered innocent lives. When I learned of the event, I was devastated. My wife cried for days, too easily imagining what it would feel if it had been our little girl. We kept her home from school the next day, and we talked to her about how even a school can be visited by evil. We wanted her to know how to protect herself, what to do if she ever heard gunfire in the hallways of her school. It was devastating to have to peel yet another layer of childhood innocence away from our little girl.
Beyond the grief of what happened, we know now that some are reacting angrily and some have even suggested reacting violently to what happened (see our earlier blog about this very issue). We know now that Obama has declared banning assault weapons to be his #1 priority. We know that Senator Feinstein has a bill that could well ban all guns depending on how liberally one interpreted the language of the bill. We see the names of gun owners being published in a NY newspaper and we see many bills in many states now advocating for gun bans. Those who oppose the 2nd Amendment are capitalizing on the Sandy Hook massacre. Perhaps that is to be expected.
But as I keep my eyes and ears open to anything other than what is peddled by the MSM, I am becoming concerned about the rising crop of discrepancies suggesting a conspiracy at Sandy Hook. Before reading further, please understand that I am not saying a tragedy didn't happen nor am I saying that people weren't killed there. I am questioning, however, the official narrative especially given how the liberal left is fully exploiting this to achieve an agenda that no other crisis in recent history has enabled them to do.
Without putting these in any order, this is what I have found:
1) Watch this video clip. It looks like he is faking this. Smiling at the beginning, almost looked like he was laughing. Look at his eyes, nose, mouth, and face coloring. There is no real emotion here-- nothing that would suggest distress, grief, anger, sorrow, or any emotion you might expect a father to show.http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oYt4T201Lrw
2) Look at this video clip http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zSvzwDsgrs8; at about 1:38. Now the CNN caption merely describes them as parents of "two children at Sandy Hook." It doesn't say they are parents of slain children. However, the implication is that they are. However, there are no victims of Sandy Hook who share the same last name, much less named Phelps. Morever, "Nick Phelps" appears to get choked up, his voice cracking; no tears on either his or his wife's faces. Curious? Yes. There is an allegation (without evidence to corroborate it) that these are "crisis actors" employed by the government to train crisis personnel how to respond to emergencies. Here is a video describing, in part, how Nick Phelps' wife bears an uncanny resemblence to "Jennifer Sexton" who is allegedly associated w/ the Cathy Giffords shooting; this person alleges that Christina Taylor Green bears an uncanny resemblence to the daughter of Jennifer Sexton: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AfScPPysADQ. Here is another link discussing "Nick Phelps" and his wife: http://politicaltrance.wordpress.com/tag/nick-phelps/.
3) There is (on Fb) floating around an image of Obama comforting the sisters of one of the slain Sandy Hook victims (Emile Parker). Also publically available is a family portrait of the family prior to the tragedy. Emile is shown wearing a beautiful red and black party dress... the same one as her sister in the image of Obama. Odd? Yes.
4) More discrepancies are noted in this article: http://www.veteranstoday.com/2012/12/20/sandy-hook-massacre-official-story-spins-out-of-control/. If you go here, you'll find video footage of the second gunman... now stripped out of the official narrative. You'll have audio feed of on the scene cops reporting on their chase of 2 gunmen. You'll see the conflicting reports of the weapon used, including original reporting that the Bushmaster rifle was found in the trunk of the shooter's car... then later it suddenly became the primary weapon used.
5) You should also note in this video http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N4CT4boLPrU that the sheriff says there will be local, state, and federal prosecution if anyone questions the official narrative.
I have no conclusions on this. I have not made up my mind about what all these discrepancies mean. Perhaps nothing. But it has been said there is no such thing as coincidence... and there are a lot of coincidences popping up as it pertains to the official narrative about what happened at Sandy Hook.
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